New release and januari updates

– Prune command
Remove up to 500 messages by executing a single command, either from all the most recent messages or from a specific user.


More info:


– channel nuke parent sync fix
Will no longer automatically sync with parent if it wasn’t synced with it before nuking. This will keep permissions intact.

– Channel help category fix
Little fix in /help command

– Sync member tag
Reply with error when member not found.

– Auth bug fix
Authorization declined all permissions for slowmode, channel, nuke regardless of actual configured permissions due to the wrong permission flag used when checking for discord permissions.

– added role support for private channels (tag and id)
/channel add @VIP

– id support for channels for adding/removing members and roles
/channel remove 306766581592096769

– channel tag support for channel command
/channel delete #mcdefaults-text-channel

More info about channel command here:


– bug fix for creating voice channel
/channel create voice

If you want something changed or added: #💡|suggestions
If you find bugs let me know in: #🦟|bug-inquiries(edited)

– Nuke will have correct error message when trying to delete a community rules channel
– Nuke will now work when the maximum sub categories (50) are reached.

– Configuration documentation update
/set command is finally fully documented. Including all values and what they do.


– Bot sends owner a message with useful information about the bot upon adding the bot.(edited)

– Logging
Updated and added logging for nuke, punish, set, filter and members entering/leaving guild

How to enable and everything about logging:


– Filter improvements
Members with Moderator level or filterbypass persmission are ignored by the filter.

New type for /set edit filter_type


January 28, 2021

– Saturday 12:00 UTC guild settings will be reset during a shot maintenance period. Make sure to /set view before that time you can quickly put them back

If you have a lot of settings like nuke channels that would take long to retype, let me know and I will do it for you.(edited)
January 31, 2021

Please vote for my bot:

New release @everyone

New release @everyone

– Slowmode disable command /slowmode 0 or /slowmode off
– Slowmode reply messages improved (including logging)
– Fix for role view command

– Added process that periodically syncs small differences.
Cap is currently set at 30 unsynced members. Guilds with a larger number will be spikked and must use the /sync command themselves in order to synchronize.

– sync fix when there’s no default role configured.

newly updated documentation: @everyone

configuration got updated:


permission authorization updated:


Commands updated:


New release

-Slowmode command
Activate slowmode with custom interval time between 1 second and 6 hours on any channel.
Including support for logging.

/slowmode <1h>

interval (optional) works in the same way as with the punish command. Default value is 5 seconds.
channel (optional) works with channel tags or ids Default value is current channel.

Permissions needed: slowmode or level Moderator.

– Invite command to show the Maxminded webpage

– Fix for unpunish conflict between different shards.
– auto nuke bug fixes

New year release

**Happy new year :fireworks: @everyone

New release:
– /punish is working now.

/punish add membertag 1d
/p remove membertag
May add support for member ids, if that’s wanted, later.

Punish will temporarily remove a configured role which makes it possible to mute or restrict someone for a set amount of time. The maximum time is 10 days and the minimum is 1 second (will take few seconds to process though).

Permissions needed: punish or level Moderator.

You can set the role with /set edit default_role

– Members who are punished and rejoin will not be given the default role to prevent punishment bypassing by rejoining.
– The /sync command skips members who are punished

– Profanity filter now supports punishing on activation.

Use /set edit filter_type 2 to activate this and use
/set edit filter_punishment_duration 10 to reconfigure punish duration (in minutes) from the profanity filter.