New release and januari updates

– Prune command
Remove up to 500 messages by executing a single command, either from all the most recent messages or from a specific user.


More info:


– channel nuke parent sync fix
Will no longer automatically sync with parent if it wasn’t synced with it before nuking. This will keep permissions intact.

– Channel help category fix
Little fix in /help command

– Sync member tag
Reply with error when member not found.

– Auth bug fix
Authorization declined all permissions for slowmode, channel, nuke regardless of actual configured permissions due to the wrong permission flag used when checking for discord permissions.

– added role support for private channels (tag and id)
/channel add @VIP

– id support for channels for adding/removing members and roles
/channel remove 306766581592096769

– channel tag support for channel command
/channel delete #mcdefaults-text-channel

More info about channel command here:


– bug fix for creating voice channel
/channel create voice

If you want something changed or added: #💡|suggestions
If you find bugs let me know in: #🦟|bug-inquiries(edited)

– Nuke will have correct error message when trying to delete a community rules channel
– Nuke will now work when the maximum sub categories (50) are reached.

– Configuration documentation update
/set command is finally fully documented. Including all values and what they do.


– Bot sends owner a message with useful information about the bot upon adding the bot.(edited)

– Logging
Updated and added logging for nuke, punish, set, filter and members entering/leaving guild

How to enable and everything about logging:


– Filter improvements
Members with Moderator level or filterbypass persmission are ignored by the filter.

New type for /set edit filter_type


January 28, 2021

– Saturday 12:00 UTC guild settings will be reset during a shot maintenance period. Make sure to /set view before that time you can quickly put them back

If you have a lot of settings like nuke channels that would take long to retype, let me know and I will do it for you.(edited)
January 31, 2021

Please vote for my bot:

New release @everyone

New release @everyone

– Slowmode disable command /slowmode 0 or /slowmode off
– Slowmode reply messages improved (including logging)
– Fix for role view command

– Added process that periodically syncs small differences.
Cap is currently set at 30 unsynced members. Guilds with a larger number will be spikked and must use the /sync command themselves in order to synchronize.

– sync fix when there’s no default role configured.

newly updated documentation: @everyone

configuration got updated:


permission authorization updated:


Commands updated:


New release

-Slowmode command
Activate slowmode with custom interval time between 1 second and 6 hours on any channel.
Including support for logging.

/slowmode <1h>

interval (optional) works in the same way as with the punish command. Default value is 5 seconds.
channel (optional) works with channel tags or ids Default value is current channel.

Permissions needed: slowmode or level Moderator.

– Invite command to show the Maxminded webpage

– Fix for unpunish conflict between different shards.
– auto nuke bug fixes

New year release

**Happy new year :fireworks: @everyone

New release:
– /punish is working now.

/punish add membertag 1d
/p remove membertag
May add support for member ids, if that’s wanted, later.

Punish will temporarily remove a configured role which makes it possible to mute or restrict someone for a set amount of time. The maximum time is 10 days and the minimum is 1 second (will take few seconds to process though).

Permissions needed: punish or level Moderator.

You can set the role with /set edit default_role

– Members who are punished and rejoin will not be given the default role to prevent punishment bypassing by rejoining.
– The /sync command skips members who are punished

– Profanity filter now supports punishing on activation.

Use /set edit filter_type 2 to activate this and use
/set edit filter_punishment_duration 10 to reconfigure punish duration (in minutes) from the profanity filter.

Happy christmas

Happy christmas!

You can now follow this channel to receive updates in your own server.

New release
– daily nuke is now working (only tested on nuke every minute since I didn’t have time to wait a day :S)
– minor bug fix when the bot is added to a new guild
– minor bug fix when insufficient permissions to perform a command

Channel release and fixes

new release @everyone

– /sync is now working again
– You can now allow your members to create private channels aka rooms
When creating one, each room will be placed under its own category channel and will only be visable for the owner till he adds more members.
Users may create up to 4 rooms.
channel create [text | voice] create a new text or voice room
channel add @tag add a friend to your new room
channel remove @tag remove an enemy from your room
channel delete delete current or target room
help channel view channel help command

Permissions needed to perform this command: channel and/or premium

– Big performance improvements

A new beginning

Dear @everyone ,

3 Years ago I started experimenting with programming. I was bored in class so I dedicated my free time in class into learning coding. I Learned it the practical way by making this very bot. I got the chance to use my creativity to learn coding in a very practical way. I got all my information from the internet and started to gradually improve this bot. Ofcource, since I got all my information from the internet, I used mostly hacky and code you wouldn’t dare show your closest loved ones. I went from 10 users to 50 users to 500 users in almost no time. I never expected this to blow up so much. So you may guess the broken code quickly stopped working.

in 2018 I started as a software engineering student in the Netherlands. I was dedicated to learn how to correctly and professionally program. I started to learn how to correctly code big high performance applications the right way.

Since COVID was out, I had more spare time on my hands, so I decided to completely rewrite the bot based on guideBots ideas and improved on it. I made an API and made the client actually communicate with that instead of a JSON file like I did before to store my settings (lol I know) and connected everything within Docker.

So today will be the release of Maxminded 0.2. Maxminded 0.2 has a revamped architecture and also a new authentication system. but it doesn’t have all old features implemented it YET. Over the next few weeks, I will gradually convert the old features to the new Maxminded. I just could not wait to finish before releasing the new version. Make sure to check the newly revamped /help command in order to check out the current features.

Stay tuned for a full changelog.

Do note: settings have been reset.

March update

Hi @everyone ,

I made a couple of changes to the bot. This is new.

– You can now add and remove users to your user channel from anywhere by specifying the channel name/id
/channel add @Maximus#4664 693467195350712430
/channel add @Maximus#4664 #maxen

– You can now configure a category where user channels are created by using the (category)channel id.
/config channelcategory 464835214280097825
View current category
/config channelcategory

– Role overview now considers Discord permissions like ADMIN, KICK, ETC in it’s overview instead of only the bot config.
/role @role

– Nuke blast is fixed

I’m considering removing the 24 hour cooldown too. Let me know what you think of that.
Many thanks for the feedback and let me know if you want any more changes. Hope you’ll enjoy.

Bot back to public

Hi everyone ,

About time after a friggin year:
The bot’s been made public again!

add it here:

Many thanks to the people who supported me so far!

Last year it was set to private, so that it could not be added to new servers. Today, almost a year later, it has been reopened!