Premium level Trial can be activated with the trial command and will be completely free of charge. Trial level gives access to ALL levels for a limited time so you can see if you like the service first!
/upgrade trial
Bot Boosting
The Maxminded Discord Bot now works with a boost system simular to server boosting in Discord. Different boost counts allow you to reach different Premium Levels on your favorite servers.
Whether you're a server owner or a newly joined member, you can buy Bot Boosts from Patreon. Once subscribed, boosts can be spend on one or more of your favorite Discord servers. Once added, Bot Boosts will be automatically applied every month and expire when you cancel your subscription or reset your boosts.
scroll down for the command help
Make sure to link your discord account before purchasing.
Premium levels:
- Free (0): 0 boosts
- Silver (1): 1 boost
- Gold (2): 4 boosts
- Platinum (3): 20 boosts
- Trial (4): Free
Each level has the perks from the previous levels and the perks from its own level(?).
Free |
Silver |
Gold |
Platinum |
Trail |
Staff members get personal Staff level (5) that exeeds Platinum.
(?) Subject to change or tba
Command usage
Manage your boosts en premium levels on the current Discord server.
View upgrade data.
upgrade view
Activate trial period for free.
upgrade trial
Add a boost to the current server. Wait for the prompt and type in your number.
upgrade add
Remove all boosts from the current server (*).
upgrade reset
boost, premium
level User